Sunday, January 26, 2020

The Primary Method Of Maintaining Organizational Culture Commerce Essay

The Primary Method Of Maintaining Organizational Culture Commerce Essay Explain the primary methods of maintaining organizational culture. What can management do to create a more ethical culture? Organizational Culture refers to the shared values, beliefs and assumptions of how members of an organization are expected to behave The values that characterize an organisation. In essence, how an organization functions and gives meaning to its way of doing things is the purpose and function of culture, and this helps to foster internal integration, bring staff members from all levels of the organization much closer together, and enhances their performance. It is sometimes argued that an organizations current customs, traditions and general way of doing things can be due to what it has done before and the successes experienced. Culture is believed to always mainly go through a three way creation process, which starts with the recruitment stage, where management employs individuals who think and feel the way they do. The recruits are then indoctrinated and soci alized according to the way of thinking and feeling of the organization. And the third stage is where managements own behaviors act as a role model that encourages employees to identify with them thereby internalizing their beliefs, values and assumptions. This is why the founders of an organization traditionally have a major impact on that organizations early culture. Also, as much as culture-creation is important, much of the work usually lie with managements strategies in place to maintain the existing culture. 2.0 Methods of maintaining organizational culture As already mentioned, culture creation is one thing and its maintenance is another. Once the culture has been established and recognized in an organization, there are certain practices within the organization that should act to support and maintain it. These practices are deemed crucial to the maintenance of culture and they include the selection practices of management, actions of the top management team, and socialization methods. The selection process includes identifying and hiring individuals who have the knowledge, skills and abilities to perform the jobs within the organization successfully. This process provides information to applicants about the organization. With the information available, candidates will be able to learn about the organization and, if they perceive a conflict between their values and those of the organization they can quit out of the selected pool. Also, actions of the executive management team have a major impact on the organizations culture. Most times an organizations executive management team establishes norms that filter down through the organization through what they say, as to whether risk taking is desirable; how much freedom managers should give their employees; what is considered an appropriate dress; what actions will pay off in terms of pay rises, promotions and other rewards. But no matter how good a job the organization does in recruiting and selecting new employees, th ese employees will always find it difficult to be fully indoctrinated in the organizations culture if there is no appropriate socialization and this has to do with the third aspect. In essence, the organization would want new employees to adapt to its culture. Socialization involving adaptation is when the organization tries to mold an outsider into an employee. This action further contributes towards the maintenance of an organizational culture. 3.0 How Management can create a more Ethical Culture The culture-creation stage is very important to any organization. How management create a more ethical culture is crucial to the sustainability of the organizational culture. Like I mentioned earlier, the process of culture-creation is believed to happen in three ways. But in all of these, management plays a leading role. Most times employees behaviors are primarily influenced by the behaviors of an organizations management team. From the onset, management can reduce ethical ambiguities through appropriate communications to the employees, the organizations code of ethics and ethical expectations. This code of ethics is expected to include the organizations primary values and the ethical rules that employees are expected to follow. Additionally, management can provide training on ethical issues which can be used to reinforce the organizations standards of conduct, to make certain clarifications on the does and donts and to address possible ethical dilemmas. It is important that management consider rewards to employees for good ethical acts and likewise punish for nonconformance. These actions of management most times prove successful in helping to create a more ethical culture in organization. Question 2: Define the merits of the Mckinsey 7-S Framework for use as an assessment tool and discuss what you think is missing in the basic 7-S Framework. Answer 1.0 Introduction The Mckinsey 7-S framework is an assessment tool developed to diagnose the causes of organizational problems and to formulate programs for improvement. What this model is saying is that for an organization to perform well, there are seven elements that needs to be aligned and mutually reinforced. The model helps to identify what needs to be realigned to improve performance. This 7-S framework model was first mentioned in a publication titled, Art of Japanese Management by Richard Pascale and Anthony Athos in 1981 whiles they were investigating how Japanese industries had been successful. Around this same time, two leading management consultants, Tom Peters and Robert Waterman of the Mckinsey Company Consulting Firm were also exploring what made a company excellent. Out of the works of these four scholars, the 7-S model was eventually born. After it reappeared in Peters and Watermans famous publication, In Search of Excellence, it was taken up as a basic tool by the Global Management Consultancy Company Mckinsey. Ever since then, it became the famous Mckinsey 7-S Model. This model involves the seven interdependent factors outlined below. Shared Values (also known as superordinate goals) The shared values element refers to the central beliefs and attitudes of the organization what the organization stands for, its core values and its corporate/team culture. Shared values or superordinate goal are the core values of the company that are evidenced in the corporate culture and the general work ethic. These goals are the fundamental ideas around which a business is built. They can also be seen as the blood notions for future directions of the organization. Placing superordinate goals at the center of the model indicates that these values crucial to the elements of all the other critical elements. The companys structure, strategy, staff, styles and skills all stem from why the organization was originally created and what it stands for. This is because the initial vision of the company was formed from the values of the creator and as the values change it affects the other elements also. Structure (how the organization is structured) This element explains how the company/team is divided, how the team members organize and align themselves, the communication lines, and the organizational hierarchy. In such, the structure element refers to the way in which the organizations units relate to each other. It has to do primarily with arrangements about report relationships, line of communication, rules and procedures which exist to guide the various activities performed by various hierarchical position in the organizational structure. It more or less refers to the formal relationship among various positions and activities performed in the organization. Strategy How an organization intends to achieve its objective is very important. Also, how its strategies are adjusted for environmental issues and to deal with competitive pressure is equally important. Strategy here refers to plans for the allocation of a firms scarce resources over time to reach desired goals. Strategies are long-term objectives of the organization devised to maintain and build competitive advantage over the competition. Style (style of leadership adopted in an organization) The style of leadership in any organization is also crucial to the success of that organization. This specifically refers to the cultural style of the organization and how key managers behave to achieving the organizational goals. It is the pattern of the management team and the tool they use to bring about organizational changes. Staff (employees and their general capabilities) Also important is the staffing issue. This refers to the number and type of personnel used by the organization. Staffing is the process of acquiring human resources for the organization and assuring that they have the potential to contribute to the achievement of the organizational goals. It involves the selection, placement, training and development of appropriate and qualified employees. Systems It is always important to consider the systems that run an organization as vital in the 7-S model. This shows the procedures, processes and routines that characterize how the work is done in the organization. Every organization has a system of operation. It refers to the rules, regulations, procedures that compliment the organization structure. Depending on the size and type of organization, there could be financial system, recruitment, promotion and performance appraisal system, capital budgeting system, training and development system, information system, etc. Skills Skills specifically points out to the distinctive capability of the personnel or the organization as a whole. The strongest skills represented within the company can make a difference in its success. It is important to know whether the current employees/team members have the ability to do the job as expected and how are the skills monitored and assessed to determine whether there are gaps. 2.0 The Seven Elements Categorized As already stated above, the Mckinsey 7-S Model involves seven interdependent factors, which can be categorized as either Hard or Soft elements (see table below). Hard Elements Soft Elements Systems Staff Strategy Shared Values Structure Skills Style 2.0 What is missing in the 7-S Model A careful study of the Mckinsey 7-S Model reveals that it only provides an internal analysis of an organization. That means, the external environment is not mentioned in the 7-S model. Question 3: How can you personally reduce prejudice in this world? Discuss the problems of prejudice in the work place and provide one example of how you can change this. Answer 1.0 Introduction Prejudice refers to a situation where one makes a basic facts are available. It is a discriminatory attitude that keeps people from dealing with a person or a situation objectively. That is, it blocks your objectivity and causes you to see things not as they are. Today, prejudice in any form, racial or social, is destructive and costly to society and hence every effort must be made to reduce it if not eliminate it. 2.0 How we can personally reduce Prejudice in this world There are many ways we can direct efforts to reducing prejudice in the world. Each of us personally have a responsibility to confront prejudice wherever we sense it and do in our own little way to reduce the level of discrimination in our societies. From the above definition, we can start the job by asking certain questions about ourselves, and quiet literally creating a checklist to challenge our own values and views. Whenever we are tempted with this vice, we must pause to ask ourselves the following questions: Is this true? Area all the facts available? Am I over generalizing? Am I focusing on one or two negative aspects instead of considering the whole picture? Am I labeling this group or person unfairly? One will realize at the end of it all that by just making the first step of looking at and questioning the common sense views we hold about people, groups and cultures would be a major step forward in opening our eyes to our own levels of prejudice and challenging the pre-conceptions we hold. There are many other methods of approaching the reduction of prejudicial behavior. One of these has to do with tolerance, which more or less is the appreciation of diversity and the ability to live and let others live. Tolerance refers to our ability to exercise a fair and objective attitude towards those whose opinions, practices, religion, nationality and so on differ from ones own. The approach here is that as individuals, we must continually focus on being tolerant of others in their daily lives. Individuals with religious beliefs can reduce prejudice if they stop following intolerant teachings of religious texts. One example of how we can reduce prejudice in this regard is by reducing our own prejudices thereby reducing prejudice in our communities. Also, our exposure to other cultures, or rather our lack of it, greatly influences our understanding of what is normal behavior and what is not. The fact is that people who strongly identify with their group and have limited exposure to different cultures, people and culture are more likely to consider the values of other groups as alien and therefore be prejudice against them. As an example of how we can help reduce prejudice in this world, we must endeavor to tolerate other cultures that are alien to ours. Others believe that we must try to live as compassionate as possible without sacrificing our principles. 3.0 The problems of prejudice in the work places There are many problems associated with prejudice in our work places. These problems range from racial discrimination to other social issues. In the case of social prejudice, it kills motivation and raises overhead cost of a business. This could be in different forms such as, I am better than them, I come from a better neighborhood, I have a better education and authority and therefore I must make all the decisions, etc. Racial or social prejudice carries a heavy price, lowers efficiency and increases overhead cost. Racial prejudice is more prominent in western countries. In mot cases prejudice create barriers between white-collar and blue-collar employees. One of the harmful things about prejudice in work places is that it kills communications, innovations and many other good attributes that drives a business to success. For instance, departments will limit communication with other departments; craftsmen will consider production workers of low intelligence to name two. At each level, people believe lower levels have low capabilities and this becomes the mindset of the organization. Self-fulfilling prophecy proves everyone right. 3.1 Example of how we can change the problem of prejudice in our work places Lets consider and incident that occurs in one of the outlets of the organization I am working for. It is a health service provider unit that supports health insurance scheme operating in a division within my organization. A patients chart was labeled High Risk in respect of HIV infection and made clearly visible to other patients and other members of staff, an action that the management of our company actually frowned at. On further investigation, we found out that the information had only been put on display because the man was known to be homosexual and so thought of as being at risk from HIV. Everybody, including the nurses started behaving strangely to the patient and in a discriminatory way even before we realized the truth about the matter. I publicly reached out and started encouraging the patient even before I knew the facts. I engaged the patients and it was through this I came to realize that the man was a homosexual and with such information I decided to push for investiga tion on the matter. With this effort the truth was revealed. In another instance, one of our frontline staff at the customer service department had refused to give one of our customers an appropriate attention whilst the man was requesting for his pension payment. Upon inquiry the staff replied to me that he knows the man and that he is a drunker who does not deserve to be treated seriously. Questioning the man, we realized that he knows what he wants and his rights as a customer. After I witnessed a repetition of such behaviors from our frontline staff, I requested Management to design a comprehensive customer service training program for our frontline staff which includes a teaching on how we can reduce prejudice in discharging our official duties. Another effort I am making to change the prejudicial behaviors in our workplaces is through a deliberate effort to encourage colleagues from other religions and tribes. In the case of tribal prejudice, it is so evident in our company but I am making enough effort to reduce it through the making of close friend from other tribes.

Saturday, January 18, 2020

Life without Art Essay

Life without art is boring and dull. But often at times, art is a subject that is underestimated in schools. The art courses in many schools are being cut back across the country. Many classrooms now have little supplies, and some courses are being taken away entirely. There are many reasons to which students need the aspect of art education in their curriculum, whether it is because it is an outlet for them to explore their creativity, or to work in a way that is soothing and in a stress- free environment. Art should be a mandatory subject to be taught in elementary and middle school as a child is growing up, but cutting back on art programs in schools seems to be a common solution to budget cuts since the 1970s when budget cuts began. Fewer public schools are offering art classes, whether it is in drama, dance, or visual art. This decline is due to budget cuts and an increased focus on math, science, and reading. Unfortunately, art classes are the first to be cut from schools, because the arts aren’t taken as seriously as subjects such as math and science because the arts programs are the first to be cut. This is a major problem in education. The movement to cut art from many schools has been growing in recent years. Education cuts are becoming more prevalent as schools face tough decisions on budgets. Unfortunately, art classes are usually some of the first victims of these cuts. Recent protests in California reflect the growing concern about budget cuts. Schools have already made cuts of $18 billion in California and more cuts totaling $4. 1 billion may be necessary (Kirkland 1). California is not the only state facing this situation. Lower tax revenues, increasing prices and the slow economic recovery have created problems across the United States. The event of recent cuts in the art programs is a serious issue, and when I become an art teacher I want to take a stand against it and teach my students how important art is in school. Why do people view art as a â€Å"light† or and â€Å"unimportant† subject? In the old days, fine art was considered a hobby for the rich and privileged. Now, it is talked down upon. According to Olivia Hauck, the author of 2009-10: Against Cutting Art and Music Programs in School, the study of music, theatre, and other forms of art have been shown to stimulate other parts of students’ minds and even keep them out of gangs and other harmful situations (1). Art and music programs in schools provide a different kind of learning environment that supplies alternative activities, while avoiding bad behavior. If kids are having fun in this different kind of stress free and expressive environment, they will be less likely to want to go and act recklessly. The arts are a way to present opportunities for jobs to students and other forms of self-discipline. Art increases critical thinking skills and enhances creativity, because drawing and working with different mediums to create pictures is expanding thinking and working on solving problems in a new way. This is important, especially for students that aren’t skilled at math or science. Art is crucial in schools so students have the opportunity to explore their interests and passions. The students that are affected by cuts in the art programs may not be able to afford private lessons or classes after school. And for some of these students, arts are what pushes them to continue going to school. Bob Sabol, president of the National Art Education Association, says, â€Å"You hear students say, ‘I found out who I was because I was able to explore my identity in the visual arts. ’ It validates who they are as individuals† (2). Art programs in education make it possible for students to explore themselves and their talents, which is the most important aspect of school. It’s the responsibility of educators to make sure that every kid is exposed to the arts, that they get their shot at being creative because — who knows — the person who cures something like cancer will probably be somebody who thinks like an artist† (Stauter, 1). Having an open mind and seeing things in different ways makes a person more likely to succeed in all areas of life. â€Å"You could have a budding Beethoven that could go undiagnosed because you didn’t have a music teacher to identify and nurture that talent,† said Debbie Fahmie, fine- and performing-arts resource teacher for Osceola County. If schools had no fine art classes, many students would have no opportunity to identify and develop their talent. They would be forced to go into fields that aren’t meant for them. Students are our future, and a future education without fine art could mean no more musicians, artists, actors, etc. Our world would be bland and lifeless without our artists, and the last thing that should be cut from schools are the art programs. I believe that all schooling should be divided into science, humanities and art. Science deals with the concrete, direct figures, and numbers that neglect emotions and view all humans as representatives of the living world and nothing more. Humanities are the classes that deal with the behavior, problems, and society. Art on the other hand is the subject that deals with the forms and beauty and allows us to think of the things around us as of useful objects that are worth our attention, time and effort. It should be treated just as equally as all other subjects. When I become an art teacher, I will make sure that I stress how important art is. I will show my students that art goes into all aspects of life. I want to expose my students with all different kinds of art, and encourage them to take different classes like drama, music of creative writing. It is important that students experiment with these subjects, because if not they may not have a chance to discover their passion. Cutting art programs in schools will be detrimental to education, especially for students that are more creative thinkers than concrete ones. Students mold our future, and they need to be able to explore their creativity as they grow up.

Thursday, January 9, 2020

Secrets About Personal Fitness Essay Topics Uncovered

Secrets About Personal Fitness Essay Topics Uncovered Hearsay, Deception and Personal Fitness Essay Topics The purpose of franchising code of conduct is make certain that the members behave in order with one another. Section 45 prohibits contracts, agreements or understandings that are meant or leads to decrease the competition on the market. Write an article about all the services that you offer. When it has to do with writing an argumentative essay, the main point to do is to select a topic and an argument which you can really get behind. There's no need in making a determination, which health problem or phenomena is more urgent at this time or what's left in the shadows and should be enlightened at least in your essay. Since there's a world of topics ahead of you, selecting the topic that is distinctive and interesting at the exact same time, is certainly not a simple endeavor. At the close of the day, there's absolutely no point in selecting a good topic if you cannot wr ite a great essay on it. To learn your own house space is acceptable for a particular project a potential customer has a chance for you to use the specific room gratis during the characterized sample period. Due to this, many disagree on the way the laws should change (if they need to change at all) and there are several topics to select from. As we begin to think about that idea, here are a number of suggestions to get you started on your own essay. Verbalizing ideas loudly may help you choose the ideal essay choice. Details of Personal Fitness Essay Topics Muscular strength is the capacity of a muscle to exert force for a brief time. Endurance is the quantity of force you are able to generate repeatedly. Strength training is about maximum effort. Physical fitness involves the operation of the heart and lungs, and the muscles of the human body. The Definitive Strategy for Personal Fitness Essay Topics They generally underestimate the significance of excellent health as they never know the benefits of it. Health is a rather important aspect in the life span of everyone. Psychological health is extremely necessary with the physical health of someone so as to be healthy and fit. In order to reach physical fitness, you have to be able to execute daily tasks vigorously, while avoiding diseases linked to a deficiency of activity. Becoming healthy isn't only a body totally free of diseases, but in addition, it means to have a tensionless mind. Inside my loved ones, there's the danger of cancer and that is the reason why it's important for me to eat a balance meal so that I can receive all the vitamins and nutrients my body has to fight the disease but also to help me keep the weight off. Describe some individual concentrating only on physical features of a friend and not the comprehensive individual. Personal Fitness Essay Topics at a Glance The notion of the act is to ensure the members behave in cordial and reasonable manner with one another. You should have your reasons, and our primary concern is that you wind up getting a great grade. An excellent instance of lucky people is reality stars and difficult work is founders of businesses, like Microsoft a nd Apple. There are a lot of things to argue when it regards the law. Even if you crash into a committee member later on, he'll not have any method of connecting your essay (out of the thousands he's read) to you. There's, clearly, a limit on the range of pages even our finest writers can produce with a pressing deadline, but generally, we can satisfy all the clients seeking urgent assistance. Write about courses you're contemplating taking and how they are going to benefit your customers. After discovering our website, you will no longer will need to bother friends and family with these kinds of requests. Introducing Personal Fitness Essay Topics The maintenance of well-being and fitness helps a man or woman to be in the overall state of well-being and well-being. A health or physical fitness product that you're using. Not simply the aforementioned problems, but also other beneficial training topics you're passionate about. Physical fitness and the choice to perform a physical exercise program shouldn't be dismissed. Why you became a fitness expert. Flexibility and the right education related with these exercises are usually over looked. Debunk some myths about really being a fitness expert. Whatever They Told You About Personal Fitness Essay Topics Is Dead Wrong...And Here's Why The very first thing you ought to stay in mind is that you want to write from the heart. Did anyone ever help save you from receiving hurt 58. After choosing the topic you're likely to write about, it's crucial that you review it before moving on any further. 1 way or another it's no good in any respect. Maybe you presently have a generalized idea of what things to write in your mind, and the following will enable you to concentrate on some specific thought or perhaps change your choice. Below are a few overall blog post ideas that you could write from. You have to make certain the topic is in your grasp and not something you are unable to handle.

Wednesday, January 1, 2020

The Role Of Mental Health Services Act - 1718 Words

Proposing Prop 63 â€Å"One of my biggest struggles with dealing with my ‘problems’ was being able to pay for help. At some points I thought the process to receive help was more draining than my illness itself† (May). Mental illness has plagued millions of people in the United States alone, and with the stigma it carried, getting the help that is needed is not always possible. With Proposition 63 in California it is speculated that with proper aid from the government and community those with mental health problems will be better suited to face their demons. That by having a budget to help those desperately in need we can better the lives of those who struggle with mental illness. The approval of Proposition 63 (also known as the Mental Health Services Act or MHSA) in November 2004 provides the California Department of Mental Health (DMH) to provide increased funding, employees and other resources to support county mental health programs. The Department will also monitor progress toward statewide goals for children, teens/young adults, adults, and families. Prop 63 includes a wide field of prevention, early involvement, service needs, the necessary transportation, technology and training fundamentals that will successfully support the system (Scheffler and Adams). According to The National Institute of Mental Health the costs related with mental illness from both the direct cost for mental health services and treatment and losses related to the disability caused by theseShow MoreRelatedThe Mental Health Parity And Addiction Equity Act Of 20081410 Words   |  6 Pageskey part in mental health care services available to the public. They can determine what options and treatments are available and how much an individual will pay for them. 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